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Stores & Restaurants Offering Mealworms

Currently 70 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.


THE home of edible insects here in the UK. Turning entomophagy from novelty to normalcy from our innovative kitchen-restaurant. Big flavours, proper Grub!


The original candy that bugs


Compte Twitter d'Insectéo, la marque des insectes #apéro & #cuisine d'@insectescom On répond à vos questions #insectecomestibles #food #voyage en 140 caractères


We are committed to breaking the stigmas of entomophagy through our food products.


JIMINI’S ce sont des produits gourmands à base d’insectes entiers ou en poudre, pour tous les moments du quotidien ! 🐛 #siminietsibon


First industrial Mealworm breeding centre in Spain. We are innovating in Human Food and Animal Feed.


1ère ferme d’élevage d’#insectes comestibles (de qualité) en #France 🐛 #MIAM Ténébrions meuniers & Grillons domestiques au menu ! #edibleinsect #entomophagie


World´s first edible insect desktop hive: Pre-Order it Here! https://t.co/LcuATU3Hd4 Tweets from the team and @KatharinaUnger1


More on Mealworms

Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat?

There’s a big hype around edible insects: low in fat and high in nutrients, they're going to revolutionise food on a global scale! Is it true? BUGSfeed went fact–finding. More →