All BUGSfeed pages about Crickets
Insect City Utopia: Inside the 'Cricket Reactor'
Posted by Jen Stout · October 23, 2016 8:54 AM
Jakub Dzamba did not stop at a consumer-friendly countertop farm, but has imagined whole urban landscapes that have the mass production of edible insects built in to their fabric, with heat, warmth, waste and sustainability all addressed. As is often the case with new design and architecture, it's feels simultaneously like far-fetched science fiction, and something that's just around the corner.
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Er det ulækkert at spise insekter?
Dit første intinkt er måske at tænke ‘ad’. Men hvis nu du så overvejer, hvordan honning bliver til, eller hvordan en reje ser ud, så er insekter måske slet ikke så slemt igen?
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Find insekter nær dig
Vil du samle? Gå på restaurant? Købe engros? Alle vores bedste tips til at finde insekter findes lige her! See all posts →
Kan det redde verden at spise insekter?
Velsmag, næringsindhold, lave produktinonsomkostninger for både miljø og pengepung. Det er etiketter, der tit sættes på den seneste ‘revolution’ inden for gastronomien. Kan insekter virkelig redde verden fra fejlernæring, hungersnød og klimaforandringer? See all posts →
TEDx: from maggots in cheese to a food revolution
Posted by Ben Kempas · June 29, 2016 8:42 AM
"Insects have to be the key to reflect on our capacity to embrace food diversity and knowledge that come from a different country." – Roberto Flore
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Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat?
Posted by Jen Stout · May 03, 2016 11:15 AM
There’s a big hype around edible insects: low in fat and high in nutrients, they're going to revolutionise food on a global scale! Is it true? BUGSfeed went fact–finding.
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Cockroaches, or the irrational psychology of ‘yuck!’
Posted by Jen Stout · March 25, 2016 6:55 PM
Say 'cockroach' and most people think: "ELIMINATE, EXTERMINATE!" But some will say "I'll have that for supper."
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Cricket Pizza!
Posted by Olena (Kagui) Kahujová · March 18, 2016 8:54 PM
Olena Kagui's experimenting with pizza made from cricket flower and cricket topping.
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Legalised in Switzerland, banned in Iceland – edible insects in Europe
Posted by Jen Stout · March 14, 2016 11:09 AM
While the appetite for edible bugs increases, it’s getting to a bit of a crunch point legally. What's going on it European countries that aren't part of the EU? Two states took very different paths...
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There's money to be made with edible insects
Posted by Jonas Bruun · March 11, 2016 8:50 PM
This week has been a big one for the edible-insect world, as insect protein company Exo managed to secure $4 million in financing from venture capitalists – a first in this young industry.
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Eating insects is nothing new – but it's also the future. Still, many of us find it disgusting. We’re on a mission to find out more – not to sell you anything. Share our curiosity and join us in exploring a taste of insects!

Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →

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"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →

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