All BUGSfeed pages about Red Wood Ants
Red Wood Ants
Chimpansepind - med myrer
Posted by Jen Stout · September 02, 2016 10:11 AM
En af de mere geniale værktøjer, som chimpanser tager i brug i deres hittepåsomme overlevelseskamp er en lille pind, de stikker ind i termitboer, for så at trække ud dækket i velsmagende snacks. På engelsk kalder man det en “chimp stick”, her har vi valgt at kalde det en “chimpansepind”.
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Roasted desert locusts with earthy ants and wild garlic
Posted by Jen Stout · March 21, 2016 7:09 PM
Forest meets desert in this inventive recipe from Nordic Food Lab.
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Red Wood Ants and their aphid detention camps
Posted by Jen Stout · December 09, 2015 11:19 PM
Our first 'Bug of the Week' is a feisty one, with the ability to both bite its attackers and spray them with formic acid. It’s also the only animal other than humans that is known to a farm other animals! It’s a wood ant - widespread across northern Europe and the south of the British Isles.
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Ant Chimp Stick
Posted by Jen Stout · December 08, 2015 6:47 PM
One of the ingenious tools that chimpanzees use is a brush-ended stick which they dangle into a termite mound, pulling it out covered in tasty snacks - dubbed a ‘chimp stick’. The chefs at Nordic Food Lab came up with an ant equivalent, using liquorice root and honey and other delicately flavoured foods to complement the local wood ants and smelling carpenter ants.
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Juniper Gin with a touch of Ant
Posted by Jen Stout · December 08, 2015 6:46 PM
‘Artisan’ gins are all the rage, with a seemingly endless range of flavours and ingredients. But one ‘botanical’ ingredient that’s less common is the red wood ant...
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Eating insects is nothing new – but it's also the future. Still, many of us find it disgusting. We’re on a mission to find out more – not to sell you anything. Share our curiosity and join us in exploring a taste of insects!

Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →

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