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Vienna Sciene Ball

Building on the success of the premiere the City of Vienna, again, stages the Vienna Science Ball 2016. On Saturday, 30 January 2016, Vienna’s City Hall will be turned into a festive venue for the city’s science and research community. In a city renown for its 450 spectacular events in carnival the Vienna Science Ball adds a distinct sensation of entertainment with an attitude to the annual ball season.

The Vienna Science Ball represents Vienna’s science and research community in its excellence and diversity. Typical elements of a Viennese Ball are combined with contributions from Vienna’s universities. International visibility and recognition is secured through the presence of global stars of popular science communication.

Science in Vienna is large and diverse: 215,000 students and researchers (= 12.5% of the population) at 20 public and private universities plus research institutes, museums and funding agencies.

Science in Vienna is excellent in terms of research and training: world-class science in quantum physics, computer science, molecular biology, logic, history, etc. For example, 80 out of 110 ERC grantees in Austria do their research in the Vienna area.

Science in Vienna is international: the largest university location in central Europe hosts scientists from more than 100 nations. 27% of the students are from abroad.

Appointed by the Mayor of the City of Vienna the club „Wien Wissen– Knowledge Vienna“ (Federation for the advancement of science communication in the Vienna area) designs, organizes and implements the Vienna Science Ball. The club is affiliated with the Presseclub Concordia (founded 1859), for decades the experienced organizer of the Concordia Ball at Vienna’s City hall.

And, well – they'll serve crickets and mealworms as part of the buffet!

Saturday, 30 Jan 2016 at 02:30 PM - 11:30pm
Vienna Town Hall
Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1
Vienna 1010
Google map and directions
€105.00 EUR · Purchase tickets

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