Why should I eat insects?
How can I try insects?
What's stopping me from eating insects?
What's buzzing?
Insect City Utopia: Inside the 'Cricket Reactor'
Jakub Dzamba did not stop at a consumer-friendly countertop farm, but has imagined whole urban landscapes that have the mass production of edible insects built in to their fabric, with heat, warmth, waste and sustainability all addressed. As is often the case with new design and architecture, it's feels simultaneously like far-fetched science fiction, and something that's just around the corner. More →
The latest kitchen gadget: endless protein supply
Super-local food? Mealworms are really easy to breed, so we look at how to grow your own supply at home. From the DIY hive to the high-tech gadgets, here's how you could raise your own protein supply. More →
Wax for the worms gets you the best of bugs
Chelsea Thomas is raising and preparing waxworms, said to be the best-tasting of all the bugs. More →
Paella with 'Land Shrimp'
Chelsea Thomas is celebrating the Week of the Waxworm with a very special paella... More →
Ancient magic, Nordic Food Lab style
Fermentation, an ancient technology, is enjoying popularity as a food trend. Researchers in Copenhagen have given it a new twist: with grasshoppers and waxworms. More →
Roasted locusts with earthy ants and wild garlic
Forest meets desert in this inventive recipe from Nordic Food Lab. More →
Ant Chimp Stick
One of the ingenious tools that chimpanzees use is a brush-ended stick which they dangle into a termite mound, pulling it out covered in tasty snacks - dubbed a ‘chimp stick’. The chefs at Nordic Food Lab came up with an ant equivalent, using liquorice root and honey and other delicately flavoured foods to complement the local wood ants and smelling carpenter ants. More →
Saucy bugs from Thailand
Dipping sauces are ubiquitous throughout south-east Asia. They can be based on shrimp... or on giant water bugs! More →
Bee-LT Sandwich
Everyone has their own secrets with a BLT... How about one with bee larvae? More →
Baby Bee Ceviche
Ceviche can refer to a lot of dishes from different cultures, but the basic idea is that instead of heat cooking the food, acid does it. More →
Events, screenings & tastings

Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →

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"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →

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