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Stores & Restaurants in Thailand

Currently 3 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.


We make food with #edibleinsects. Cricket Pasta in Thailand (https://t.co/khasPttf3Y). Plento snacks in Singapore (https://t.co/2jLT4oE6fl)

More on Thailand

TEDx: from maggots in cheese to a food revolution

"Insects have to be the key to reflect on our capacity to embrace food diversity and knowledge that come from a different country." – Roberto Flore More →

More on Thailand

Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat?

There’s a big hype around edible insects: low in fat and high in nutrients, they're going to revolutionise food on a global scale! Is it true? BUGSfeed went fact–finding. More →

More on Thailand

Plague or plenty? Why the locust is also a prawn of the sky

When you consider that the phrase “plague of locusts” is basically shorthand for “really awful”, it might seem that advocates of eating these bugs have a difficult task. But language is an interesting thing. Don’t ‘sky prawns’ sound lovely? More →