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Stores & Restaurants Offering Superworms

Currently 19 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.


The Armstrongs are the originators of America's Cricket Growing Industry. We've been servicing pet stores and fish bait shops for over 60 years!


Come explore a unique world of food with us. 🍽 Life's too short - eat something new today! 🍕🍝🐜🍔🌭🐛🍦🥛 #SustainableProtein #EdibleInsects #Functional


n°1 de l'insecte comestible depuis 2009. Retrouvez l'actu de nos marques, posez vos questions, rejoignez l'aventure #insectescomestibles #foodtech


Mexican prehispanic inspired cuisine based on edible insects. Cocina mexicana prehispánica inspirada en insectos comestibles de gran aporte proteínico.


#Cricketflour #edibleinsects #insectprotein, the planet's most sustainable superfood! Leading the #protein #revolution #cricketpowder, #ediblebugs #entomophagy


Compte Twitter d'Insectéo, la marque des insectes #apéro & #cuisine d'@insectescom On répond à vos questions #insectecomestibles #food #voyage en 140 caractères



Bugs and Bats.That's our thing.Exclusive manufacture of Tasty Grubs! Dried black solider larvae made 100% in the USA. And,the good ole fashion dried mealworms.