Currently 58 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.
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by Insect
- Agave Worms
- Ants
- Bamboo Worms
- Bees
- Beetles
- Buffalo Worms
- Centipedes
- Cicadas
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Diving Beetles
- Earthworms
- Escamoles
- Giant Water Bugs
- Grasshoppers
- Hornets
- Katydids
- Locusts
- Mealworms
- Palm Weevils
- Rhino Beetles
- Sago Worms
- Scarab Beetles
- Scorpions
- Silkworms
- Spiders
- Stink Bugs
- Superworms
- Termites
- Waxworms
- by Product
Stores Offering Insect Flour
Austin, TX, United States
Aketta by Aspire
0ipWhere #EdibleInsects meet a hungry, growing world. Farms in #Texas and #Ontario (#Aketta crickets).
Alameda, CA, United States
Alameda Natural Grocery
0ipA Certified Green, Neighborhood Market Offering the Finest in Affordable Natural & Organic Foods, Supplements, Bath, Beauty & Household Goods. #onlygoodthings
Athens, GA, United States
All Things Bugs LLC
0ip High quality #sustainable #protein ingredients Cricket Powder @Griopro #innovation #technology #Paleo #cricketpowder #Science #Wellness
San Fransisco, CA, United States
London, United Kingdom
Borough Box
0ipThe home of great food & drink. Retailer. Wholesaler. Online Marketplace. Discover the best independent produce available.
United Kingdom
Bug Boys
0ipBug Boys use insects as an eco-friendly protein source for tasty food. We now sell cricket flour/powder. And raise the awareness of the benefits of bugs!
Lincoln, NE, United States
Bugeater Foods
0ipBugEater Foods is a product development company making cricket based food products. #cricketpowder #cricketprotein #foodsustainability #foodtech #foodstartup
United Kingdom
Bug Grub
0ipThe UK's premier supplier of edible insects and bugs. #entomophagy #ediblebugs #edibleinsects #bushtucker #bugflour #eatingbugs
Stroud, United Kingdom
0ipWe are a UK based company who wholeheartedly believe that bugs are the food of the future. They're sustainable, nutritious and versatile!
Southampton, United Kingdom
Bug Shack
0ipThe Bug Shack aims to promote edible insects as a sustainable source of protein. Currently based in Southampton, UK.
Salt Lake City, UT, United States
0ipMaker of the Original Cricket Bar using cricket protein. Feed the Revolution. #CricketPower #BringInSexyBack #FeedTheRevolution
Déville-lès-Rouen, France
Insectes Comestibles
9ipn°1 de l'insecte comestible depuis 2009. Retrouvez l'actu de nos marques, posez vos questions, rejoignez l'aventure #insectescomestibles #foodtech
Northhampton, MA, United States
Cornucopia Foods
0ipGreat independent natural foods store. We're also the home of Heavenly Chocolate. Get the best tasting chocolate. Tel. 413.586.3800
Auckland, New Zealand
Portland, OR, United States
Cricket Flours
0ipLooking for more information on Cricket Flour and cricket protein? Check out our profile or visit our site for cricket flour recipes, news, videos, and more!
New York, NY, United States
Cricket Protein Store
0ipYour online store for sustainable cricket protein products: cricket flour, cricket protein, cricket protein bars & more! Cricket Protein all in one store!
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Crik Nutrition
0ipFunctional Protein Powder made w/ Crickets 🐛2000x less land & water🌎100x less greenhouse gases ☁️ Nutritious | Delicous 👇More info: 5min TEDx below👇
Herning, Denmark
Edible Bug Shop
0ipHealthy. Sustainable. Bugs. Farming EdibleInsects in Australia since 2007 healthy & delicious buggy food designed by our Entomologist | Food Scientist @bugshop1
London, United Kingdom
Auburn, ME, United States
Norwood, ON, Canada
0ip#Cricketflour #edibleinsects #insectprotein, the planet's most sustainable superfood! Leading the #protein #revolution #cricketpowder, #ediblebugs #entomophagy
London, United Kingdom
Passing the Bug
Baking with crickets: cookies, loaf, icing
Baking with insects: Chelsea Margaux is sharing her recipes for cricket cookies, cricket banana loaf, and cricket icing. More →
"In supermarkets by the end of the year" – a chat with Crobar
In a market full of energy bars, one stands out from the crowd: it's got a very special ingredient. Speaking to BUGSfeed, Crobar's founder Christine Spliid tells of the gamble involved in launching a cricket-based snack. More →
Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →
Brug BUGS i under-visningen
"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →
BUGS er jo en dansk film, derfor har vi her på BUGSfeed lavet en masse aritkler på dansk — og om Danmark.