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Stores & Restaurants Offering Silkworms

Currently 23 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.


The UK's premier supplier of edible insects and bugs. #entomophagy #ediblebugs #edibleinsects #bushtucker #bugflour #eatingbugs


n°1 de l'insecte comestible depuis 2009. Retrouvez l'actu de nos marques, posez vos questions, rejoignez l'aventure #insectescomestibles #foodtech


#이더블버그 #식용곤충 #Entomophagy We present edible insect products. Manufacturer. Running Entomophagy-Cafe in Seoul & Busan.


Compte Twitter d'Insectéo, la marque des insectes #apéro & #cuisine d'@insectescom On répond à vos questions #insectecomestibles #food #voyage en 140 caractères


We make food with #edibleinsects. Cricket Pasta in Thailand (https://t.co/khasPttf3Y). Plento snacks in Singapore (https://t.co/2jLT4oE6fl)


Board Member, Korean American Federation of Los Angeles



Kirakuya Jizake Bar, The Luxurious Local Sake Bar in NYC. http://t.co/VbT0t74Ygv http://t.co/rnuIkaqSWv

More on Silkworms

Insects as food is one thing – but how about insects as feed?

BUGSfeed explores insects as food for people. It’s a huge topic with enough interesting facts and stories and questions to fill ten books, let alone one website. But here’s one aspect we’ve not looked at yet - what about insects as feed? More →

More on Silkworms

Silkworm Spaghetti

Recipe by Randall Creasey of 'That's So Primal'. More →

More on Silkworms

Silkworm Toast-Topper

Tired of the 'fry/roast/salt' type of most bug recipes? Try pickling pupae in brine. More →