Currently 10 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.
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by Insect
- Agave Worms
- Ants
- Bamboo Worms
- Bees
- Beetles
- Buffalo Worms
- Centipedes
- Cicadas
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Diving Beetles
- Earthworms
- Escamoles
- Giant Water Bugs
- Grasshoppers
- Hornets
- Katydids
- Locusts
- Mealworms
- Palm Weevils
- Rhino Beetles
- Sago Worms
- Scarab Beetles
- Scorpions
- Silkworms
- Spiders
- Stink Bugs
- Superworms
- Termites
- Waxworms
- by Product
Supplies for growing your own edible insects
Herning, Denmark
San Francisco, CA, United States
Don Bugito
0ipMexican prehispanic inspired cuisine based on edible insects. Cocina mexicana prehispánica inspirada en insectos comestibles de gran aporte proteínico.
Espoo, Finland
Grossdietwil, Switzerland
Paris, France
2ipWorld´s first edible insect desktop hive: Pre-Order it Here! Tweets from the team and @KatharinaUnger1
Silicon Valley, CA, United States
Tiny Farms
0ipWe build infrastructure to enable smart, scalable insect farming to produce clean and sustainable protein
Passing the Bug
Wax for the worms gets you the best of bugs
Chelsea Thomas is raising and preparing waxworms, said to be the best-tasting of all the bugs. More →
Herding grasshoppers
‘As difficult as herding cats’, the saying goes – well, try herding grasshoppers. Not only can these guys jump the bug-equivalent of several football fields, but they can actually fly too. Nevertheless, the idea of farming them like a domesticated food source is actually taking off. More →
The latest kitchen gadget: endless protein supply
Super-local food? Mealworms are really easy to breed, so we look at how to grow your own supply at home. From the DIY hive to the high-tech gadgets, here's how you could raise your own protein supply. More →

Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →

Brug BUGS i under-visningen
"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →

BUGS er jo en dansk film, derfor har vi her på BUGSfeed lavet en masse aritkler på dansk — og om Danmark.