Currently 5 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.
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- Palm Weevils
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by Insect
- Agave Worms
- Ants
- Bamboo Worms
- Bees
- Beetles
- Buffalo Worms
- Centipedes
- Cicadas
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Diving Beetles
- Earthworms
- Escamoles
- Giant Water Bugs
- Grasshoppers
- Hornets
- Katydids
- Locusts
- Mealworms
- Palm Weevils
- Rhino Beetles
- Sago Worms
- Scarab Beetles
- Scorpions
- Silkworms
- Spiders
- Stink Bugs
- Superworms
- Termites
- Waxworms
- by Product
Stores & Restaurants Offering Palm Weevils
Auburn, ME, United States
Insects Au Menu
0ipLa boutique d'insectes à manger ! Informations, recettes & vente d'insectes comestibles par internet.
Paris, France
Passing the Bug
Fact check: Are insects better for you than meat?
There’s a big hype around edible insects: low in fat and high in nutrients, they're going to revolutionise food on a global scale! Is it true? BUGSfeed went fact–finding. More →
Preparing and cooking palm weevil larvae
VIDEO: How to prepare and cook palm weevil larvae. More →
Gathering palm weevil larvae in Uganda
Guided by local Ugandans, Josh and Ben go looking for palm weevil larvae in tree trunks. This footage was shot for BUGS the film, to be released later this year. More →
Bug of the Week (22)
Stingless Bee
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →
Brug BUGS i under-visningen
"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →
BUGS er jo en dansk film, derfor har vi her på BUGSfeed lavet en masse aritkler på dansk — og om Danmark.