Are you serious about trying insects? Welcome to our new directory of suppliers and restaurants.
If you run a business that should be featured here, please add it here.
Currently 204 entries, alphabetically sorted by name.
Are you serious about trying insects? Welcome to our new directory of suppliers and restaurants.
If you run a business that should be featured here, please add it here.
Currently 204 entries, alphabetically sorted by name.
At Grubbly, we nourish pets while giving bawk to the planet. Give your feathered family some Grub Love! 💚 #grubblieshappyhour
THE home of edible insects here in the UK. Turning entomophagy from novelty to normalcy from our innovative kitchen-restaurant. Big flavours, proper Grub!
Future-friendly protein source made with cricket flour that is good for you, and the planet.
The best Oaxacan restaurant in the country & purveyor of mole around the country. 3014 W Olympic Blvd LA 90006 (213) 427-0608
Crickets are the Gateway Bug! Hopper Crunch: Grain, gluten & soy free. Protein & iron rich. Delicious granola made w/ cricket flour. Totally paleo #justsayyes
Blogging about edible insects and business. #InsectCuisine #Entomophagy #EdibleInsects
Compte Twitter d'Insectéo, la marque des insectes #apéro & #cuisine d'@insectescom On répond à vos questions #insectecomestibles #food #voyage en 140 caractères
La boutique d'insectes à manger ! Informations, recettes & vente d'insectes comestibles par internet.
Kinjao est la marque de produits sportifs à base de farine d'insectes d'@insectescom. Sports food products based on non-visible insects. #nature #futurefood
Delicious honey with no sting: the perfect bee? Meet our BUG OF THE WEEK. Read →
"Fascinerende, underholdende, lærerig. Genial for større børn." Sådan skriver Filmmagasinet EKKO i deres anmeldelse af dokumentarfilmen BUGS. Ekstra Bladet supplerer: “Oplagt som pensum i folkeskolens ældre klasser.” Læs →
BUGS er jo en dansk film, derfor har vi her på BUGSfeed lavet en masse aritkler på dansk — og om Danmark.