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Stores & Restaurants Offering Crickets

Currently 150 entries in this category, alphabetically sorted by name.


Cricket Protein Bars, Paleo Bites and Whole Roasted Crickets. Good for the environment, Sustainably Delicious. #WeirdIsGood #PoweredByCrickets


Farm Crickets, Get Healthy. CA Cricket Farm - join our adventure! #Crickets #Entomophagy [email protected]


Company : Team Uno Occupation : Tire builder


Community-owned natural grocery store, deli & bakery in Ithaca, NY. Anyone can shop our 2 stores: West End 701 W. Buffalo St: DeWitt 215 N. Cayuga St


At Grubbly, we nourish pets while giving bawk to the planet. Give your feathered family some Grub Love! 💚 #grubblieshappyhour


THE home of edible insects here in the UK. Turning entomophagy from novelty to normalcy from our innovative kitchen-restaurant. Big flavours, proper Grub!


Future-friendly protein source made with cricket flour that is good for you, and the planet.


Bringing healthy and tasty cricket based food products to the masses. #food #future


Crickets are the Gateway Bug! Hopper Crunch: Grain, gluten & soy free. Protein & iron rich. Delicious granola made w/ cricket flour. Totally paleo #justsayyes


The original candy that bugs


Blogging about edible insects and business. #InsectCuisine #Entomophagy #EdibleInsects



Compte Twitter d'Insectéo, la marque des insectes #apéro & #cuisine d'@insectescom On répond à vos questions #insectecomestibles #food #voyage en 140 caractères


We are committed to breaking the stigmas of entomophagy through our food products.


JIMINI’S ce sont des produits gourmands à base d’insectes entiers ou en poudre, pour tous les moments du quotidien ! 🐛 #siminietsibon


Khepri is a company dedicated to change the world through entomoculture.


Kinjao est la marque de produits sportifs à base de farine d'insectes d'@insectescom. Sports food products based on non-visible insects. #nature #futurefood

More on Crickets

Insect City Utopia: Inside the 'Cricket Reactor'

Jakub Dzamba did not stop at a consumer-friendly countertop farm, but has imagined whole urban landscapes that have the mass production of edible insects built in to their fabric, with heat, warmth, waste and sustainability all addressed. As is often the case with new design and architecture, it's feels simultaneously like far-fetched science fiction, and something that's just around the corner. More →